Tongkat ALI and Ashwagandha Tablets:
- Tongkat Ali 200mg (100:1) equvelant 20,000mg
- Ashwagandha 200mg (10:1) equivelant 4000mg
Each tablet contains 200mg of Tongkat Ali extract. Each Tablet is standardised to 20,000mg from an extract ratio of 100:1.This means that for every gram of dried extract, 100 grams were used
Each tablet contains 200mg of Ashwagandha extract. Each Tablet is standardised to 4000mg from an extract ratio of 20:1.This means that for every gram of dried extract, 20 grams were used
Ingredients: Tongkat Ali Extract, Ashwagandha Extract Microcrystalline Cellulose, Dextrin
Tongkat Ali, sometimes referred to as Longjack or by its botanical name Eurycoma longifolia, has been utilized for many years, particularly for its aphrodisiac and energizing properties. It possesses properties that can assist both men and women; for advantages specific to women, check the second section of the article.
The plant Tongkat Ali is primarily found in the rainforests of some South East Asian nations, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. Other regional names for it include Pasak Bumi and Tung Saw, and because of its well-known capacity to treat erectile dysfunction, some people refer to it as natural viagra.
Locals have traditionally utilized this root for aphrodisiac purposes and to boost energy, but it is now popularized worldwide and extracts are easily accessible for purchase in a variety of stores and online.
Andropause, a disorder associated with lower testosterone production that affects men as they age and results in a number of grave issues. Lack of libido, decreased energy, increased body fat, and mental weariness are all symptoms of andropause.
As a guy in my middle age, I am fully aware of the challenges that these illnesses might bring about. Realizing that you are not the same man you once were and that many of the things you previously took for granted now require more effort is not enjoyable.
Many men have the option of testosterone replacement medication, but it is quite expensive and carries a risk of adverse consequences. Men have been looking to nature for alternatives as a result, and Tongkat Ali is one of them. Tongkat Ali is most well-known for its benefits for men, but I'll discuss some of its possible benefits for women later.
The following substances are the active ingredients in tongkat ali:
There are quassinoid substances in the Simaroubaceae family. Eurycomanone and Eurycomanol are the primary bioactive substances. The four species of Eurycoma include 150 distinct quassinoids.
Teurilene and eurylene, which are squalene compounds
Canthin-6-1 metabolic processes
For a very long time indeed, the root of Tongkat Ali has been utilized to raise testosterone levels. It has chemical constituents that, according to numerous studies, can raise testosterone levels. A rise in testosterone has a number of positive spillover effects on sexuality, muscle development, and semen production.
Only 35% of the 76 men in a 2012 Malaysian research had testosterone levels that were within the normal range. After using Tongkat Ali for a month, this percentage sharply increased to more than 90%.
There is some evidence that Tongkat Ali can help cure male reproductive disorders by increasing testosterone levels as well as sperm quality.
In a 2010 study, 75 men who received 200 mg of Tongkat Ali daily for three months had their sperm quality evaluated for alterations. These patients' sperm quality considerably increased, and 15% of the subjects reported spontaneous births after the treatment.
Tongkat Ali's aphrodisiac properties are arguably what make it the most well-known and popular. It has long been used in South East Asia to treat low libido, and more recent studies, mostly with animals, have shown that it is capable of increasing libido.
In one of these trials, Tongkat Ali was fed to retired breeders and elderly rats for ten days. The extract-fed rats showed a marked increase in sexual behaviour and mounting frequency in female rats.
Numerous other research involving animals has produced encouraging findings, but does Tongkat Ali have the same impact on people?
Tongkat Ali has a reputation for being a potent aphrodisiac, and the fact that it can increase testosterone levels suggests that it might be a good choice. Users have noted significantly increased sex drive, erections that lasted longer, stronger ejaculations, and better sex overall.
Weightlifters and bodybuilders who want to alter their muscle-to-fat ratio frequently turn to Tongkat Ali as a natural supplement. But you don't have to be a serious athlete to gain from Tongkat Ali's potential ability to alter your body's composition.
Tongkat Ali can also aid in fat loss and lean body mass gain because of the rise in testosterone it provides. If you routinely exercise, this will have an even more significant impact.
Tongkat Ali may increase lean body mass, according to a promising Malaysian study that was published in 2002. During the course of the 5-week double-blind study, 7 men received 100 mg of Tongkat Ali extract daily while the other 7 participants received a placebo.
The males in the Tongkat Ali group had a substantial drop in body fat and a 5% rise in lean body mass.
Osteoporosis, a condition marked by weak and brittle bones, can increase the risk of developing in people with low testosterone levels. Numerous minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D, aid in lowering the disease's risk.
Tongkat Ali may be a valuable tool in the fight against osteoporosis and aid in maintaining bone strength and health because of its capacity to raise testosterone levels.
Facts about Tonkat Ali
Tongkat Ali is also referred to by the popular names longifolia jack, long jack, tung saw, Malaysian ginseng, and payung ali.
Tongkat Ali has always been used to increase male libido, but research indicates it can have a considerably bigger impact on everyone's health.
Tongkat Ali is frequently used as an addition to meals and beverages in addition to being used as a supplement.
A medium-sized shrub, Tongkat Ali grows to a height of around 10 meters.
The root is boiled in water in several regions of South East Asia, and the resulting decoction is used to treat a variety of ailments. It is employed as an aphrodisiac as well as a remedy for fever, jaundice, diarrhoea, and indigestion.
The dose recommendations from the manufacturer should be carefully read and adhered to. It is typically advised to start with a modest dose to ensure a good response before progressively increasing the amount over time.
The herb's typical traditional dosage is 1200 to 2400 mg per day, divided into 2 to 4 doses of 300 to 500 mg each.
Additionally advised is dose cycling. Bodybuilders often use Tongkat Ali as a supplement for 5 to 8 weeks, followed by a break of several weeks. People using the herb to increase sex drive are typically advised to use shorter cycles.
It is regarded as safe when taken for up to 9 months because no serious negative effects have ever been documented.
It is advised to be safe and steer clear of it because there is not enough data to determine whether it is safe for pregnant women or nursing mothers.
Insomnia is the most frequently mentioned of a few moderate side effects.
Starting with low doses of the herb and gradually increasing to higher quantities over time can help prevent any unfavourable side effects.
The likelihood of having difficulties sleeping at night might be decreased by taking your supplement earlier in the day.
Additionally, bodybuilders have claimed that Tongkat Ali used for bodybuilding can boost aggression, restlessness, and sexual desire—all of which are connected to higher testosterone levels.
Withania somnifera, often known as ashwagandha or Indian ginseng, is a plant that has been utilized for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and African medicine.
The potential of ashwagandha to strengthen the immune system after illness is only one of the many health advantages it offers. Because it is thought to bestow stallion-like vitality and strength to those who take it, its name, which translates to "the fragrance of horse," is suggestive of its healing potential.
The tomato-family plant ashwagandha, which is native to desert regions of India, North Africa, and the Middle East, is also grown in today's warmer temperatures. It produces a little red fruit. The herb has various potential medicinal uses because to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, and adaptogenic characteristics.
The advantages of ashwagandha have been pretty extensively explored in recent years, as is frequently the case when it comes to herbal treatments, and modern society is beginning to catch up with tradition. Ashwagandha may be of assistance if you have stress, exhaustion, a lack of energy, or even problems with your ability to focus.
Ashwagandha is good at increasing endurance when exercising, as well as enhancing cognitive function, reducing physical pain, and reducing muscular exhaustion. Ashwagandha may be just what you need, whether you're a committed athlete searching for slight improvements or you're just feeling run down and in need of an energy boost. Ashwagandha's capacity to increase endurance has been the subject of numerous investigations, with encouraging findings.
According to a study done on 40 professional Indian cyclists, those who received ashwagandha pills for eight weeks saw a significant increase in their levels of cardiovascular and respiratory endurance compared to those who received placebos.
Another rat study showed that rats given ashwagandha could swim twice as long as rats who weren't given the supplements.
The benefits of ashwagandha's strengthening properties are not limited to sportsmen; those who are recovering from illness can also take use of them. Another study found that ashwagandha could improve cancer patients' quality of life while potentially treating fatigue brought on by chemotherapy.
The capacity of ashwagandha to reduce the signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety is one of the most significant and thoroughly studied uses of the herb. Due to the potent antioxidant qualities of ashwagandha, in addition to reducing stress, it can also shield the brain's cells against degenerative consequences.
There is some evidence that ashwagandha can reduce anxiety as well as several well-known antidepressant and antianxiety drugs. According to a 2000 study, taking ashwagandha pills for five days produced anti-anxiety benefits comparable to lorazepam and antidepressant properties comparable to imipramine.
Higher lipid peroxidation and a related drop in the amounts of antioxidant enzymes can both be brought on by stress. According to a 2001 study, ashwagandha extracts corrected lipid peroxidation and counteracted the negative effects of stress. Additionally, because of its potent antioxidant properties, ashwagandha can counteract the effects of early ageing brought on by stress. According to the study's findings, ashwagandha can be utilized in therapeutic settings to treat stress.
In 2005, a sizable but unpublished human study looked into ashwagandha's impact on cortisol, a stress hormone. Many of the consequences of stress are thought to be caused by elevated cortisol levels, and the study found that ashwagandha can lower cortisol levels by up to 26%. The subjects showed lower cortisol levels as well as improved sleep, improved emotions of well-being, more vitality, and lower levels of weariness.
Japanese experts have done significant studies into the benefits of ashwagandha on the brain. According to some of the studies, ashwagandha may one day be utilized to treat persons with traumatic brain injuries and those who have dementia or Alzheimer's disease, which causes cognitive degradation. The axons and dentrites—damaged parts of nerve cells in the brain—were the focus of the researchers' search for strategies for regeneration.
They discovered that ashwagandha greatly aided in the regeneration of the brain's injured nerve cells as well as the reconstruction of the synapses that enable cell communication. The researchers came to the conclusion that ashwagandha was a viable future treatment for degenerative disorders since it assisted in the reconstruction and regeneration of nervous system networks.
The same research team found in another investigation that ashwagandha extract encouraged the formation of both injured and healthy nerve cells. This shows that ashwagandha may improve cognitive function and brain health overall, in addition to helping injured brain cells.
Ashwagandha has been shown to effectively cure arthritis and has potent anti-arthritic effects. A strong analgesic that can shield the neurological system from pain is ashwagandha.
A very recent study that was completed in 2015 and published looked at ashwagandha's impact on rheumatism.
86 patients with joint discomfort who received ashwagandha pills for three weeks participated in the trial. The researchers came to the conclusion that the herb might be utilized in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis as a consequence of the good results, which included a considerable decrease in joint discomfort and swelling.
Ashwagandha's ability to treat cancer has been the subject of numerous studies in recent years, with encouraging findings so far. Ashwagandha can limit the growth of breast, colon, and lung cancer cells in a manner similar to that of chemotherapy medications, according to laboratory tests.
Ashwagandha prevented the growth of stomach cancer, according to animal research. The incidence of tumors and the total number of tumors were both markedly decreased by 60% and 92%, respectively. Another investigation revealed that ashwagandha was effective in preventing skin cancer.
The capacity of ashwagandha to affect cholesterol levels is still not well supported by research, however one study did find that 30 days of treatment with ashwagandha extract reduced triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol) in 6 patients with high cholesterol.
By now, everyone is aware of the benefits of antioxidants, and ashwagandha is one of the most potent ones. Researchers think that ashwagandha's strong antioxidant capacity plays a role in at least part of its anti-stress, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Ashwagandha may be able to aid the millions of people who experience thyroid issues. Adaptogenic herbs, like ashwagandha, are well known for their ability to balance hormone levels in the body and can be used to treat a variety of thyroid conditions, whether you have an overactive thyroid like Grave's disease or a sluggish thyroid.
In patients with hypothyroid symptoms, ashwagandha is frequently prescribed to stimulate the thyroid. Some study indicates that it is effective, and many individuals report that it can help treat chronic fatigue and diminished libido when taken occasionally or for a short length of time.
According to a 20-day study on mice, ashwagandha considerably reduced lipid peroxidation while also stimulating thyroid activity.
However, there are some cautions that ashwagandha may have too hormonal effects, which means that those with hypothyroidism may transiently have hyperthyroidism.
Ashwagandha is easily accessible in supplement form and has some truly amazing health advantages.
Adding ashwagandha to your diet as a supplement can help you feel less stressed and anxious, have more energy, live longer, and age more slowly. The most popular route of administration is in the form of capsules, and experts advise taking 500 mg once or twice daily.
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