Product Description
Turmeric like Ginger is a root plant that originates from Sothern India. It has been grown for centuries and used in local cuisine for colouring and adding flavour. The roots are dried and then ground into a fine powder. This has a distinct vibrant yellow colour and a sharp mustardy taste that comes from its main active ingredient Curcumin
Ginger has been used for thousands upon thousands of years and is known as an important staple ingredient in a variety of sweets and exotic dishes from every corner of the globe, in fact, it's pretty hard to visit any country without bumping into this wonderful and tasty ingredient at some point, and for good reason
Piper Nigrum or black pepper is commonly combined with Turmeric as research has suggested that it may increase absorption.
Recently we have gone a step further in attempting to improve the absorption of our curcumin, we have now added a phophatidyline complex to our formulation.
The cited advantages of phytosome technology include improved absorption, protection from destruction by gastric secretions and gut bacteria, decreased liver conjugation (that is, improved metabolic stability), and improved shelf life as compared with raw plant extracts. Phytosomes have shown improved antioxidant activity in animal models, as well as an improved plasma uptake of 5.6 times the area under the curve over 120 min when compared with raw curcumin.
Each 500mg tablets contain the standardised equivalent of 2000mg of curcumin, 1000mg of Ginger, phophatidyline complex (lecithin source) and 10mg of black pepper.
Ingredients: Curcumin, Ginger, Phophatidyline Complex (lecithin source), Black Pepper, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Dextrin
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